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All you need to know about Xeni

Here we will outline what is Xeni and the many ways you can earn and spend it.

What is Xeni?

We're glad you asked! Xeni is our in-game currency and uses the symbol . Xeni is a reference to Dragon Ball's currency known as "Zenny".

What is Xeni used for?

Xeni is used in Player Shops, Player Warps, the Admin Shop, and plots in the server /market.

How do I earn more Xeni?

There are 7 ways to earn:

  • Join a Job (/jobs browse/jobs join <job>).
  • Take on a Player Job (Player Jobs are in a dedicated forum in Discord).
  • Selling items to the Admin /shop.
  • Voting for the server daily with /vote or from the vote page here on our site.
  • Crate Rewards
  • Every non-AFK hour of gameplay granting both Xeni and Points


There are many Jobs you can take on to earn more Xeni over time and you can join a maximum of two:

  • Woodcutter: Chop down trees, replant saplings.
  • Priest: Brew potions and slay undead mobs.
  • Hunter: Slay hostile mobs.
  • Farmer: Grow and collect crops in your fields.
  • Hero: Slay Pillagers, Piglins, and other mobs that are hostile to Villagers.
    • Note: Slaying a Villager or their protective Iron Golem will cost you Xeni in this job!
  • Fisherman: Slay and catch fish.
  • Herder: Slay and breed passive mobs.

All jobs also give you Xeni for slaying other players.

Can I leave a Job?

Certainly! All you have to do is /job leave <job> but be warned! Leaving a job will reset all of your progress and experience in that Job!

Player Jobs

Player jobs can vary depending on a player's needs. They can range from gathering materials, building, mining out an area, or something else that would help the player who posted the job. Pricing varies from player to player, the task, and the difficulty of the task. To check the current listings or post a job of your own, hop on over to our Discord server and navigate to the #player-jobs forum.


Check out the /market in-game for all the shops players have made to sell their goods. Empty plots can be purchased using the sign next to the plot (the player head will be under it) and last 30 days with automatic renewal as long as you have the Xeni available. Selling your extra items or items you made for other is a great way to earn Xeni and is by far the best way to so. Each shop has separate pricing and is determined by the shop's owner. To set up a chest shop, look at a chest and run the command /qs create <price> while holding the item you wish to sell. You can also use /qs item with a new item in hand to change the item a pre-existing shop is selling and use /qs price <price> to adjust the current price of the item being sold. You can also use /cshop or /quickshop instead of the /qs alias.

You can also sell various items to the Admin /shop at a constant rate if you don't want to set up your own shop.

Voting, Crates, and Gameplay

You earn 200 Xeni for every 60 minutes of non-AFK gameplay.

Voting for XCraft Survival on one vote site earns you 100 Xeni each and a bonus 200 Xeni for voting on all seven sites.

Crate keys are obtained through voting and server-wide events like build contests. You can use these keys at /warp Crate or remotely using /vcrate #/rcrate #, or /ecrate # for the Vote, Rare, and Epic crates (respectively). Just replace the # with the number of keys you wish to use.