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Tool Enchantments

This specific set of enchantments refers to tools such as Axes, Pickaxes, Shovels, Shears, and Hoes.
Details for each of the enchantments can be found below.

To return to the main Custom Enchantments page, click here!

Enchant Name Maximum Level Applies to Effects Conflicts Obtainable In
Auto Smelt 1 Pickaxes, Shovels Automatically smelts mined blocks. Silk Touch Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Foraging 4 Shears When breaking leaves, apple drops are boosted. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Haste 2 Pickaxes, Shovels Grants the 'Haste' Effect based on the enchantment's level. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Replenish 1 Hoes Crops are replanted automatically when mined. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Tunnel 4 Pickaxes Gives a chance to mine blocks in a 3x3 pattern. Vein Miner, Xray Enchantment Tables
Vein Miner 4 Pickaxes Mines blocks in an ore vein depending on the enchantment's level. Tunnel Enchantment Tables
Xray 3 Pickaxes When right-clicking your tool, ore blocks in a radius will shine through walls briefly. Tunnel Enchantment Tables