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This wiki is currently under development. So there will be missing information or information that's outdated.

Client Modification Guidelines

You may be wondering if we allow mods on XCraft Survival and the short answer is YES! However, there are certain mods that we do and do not allow to be used. As a general rule, mods that do not give an advantage over other players are permitted whereas ones that do provide an advantage over other players or automatically do certain actions for you like an auto-clicker or auto-/quick-builder are not. This page will outline mods that the XCraft Staff have approved for usage on the server and will outline what is not approved. This can range from an entire mod to part(s) of a mod. If you have any questions about a specific mod that is not listed here, please ask XCraft Staff BEFORE you are to use the mod. If the mod you're unsure of is causing us to be flagged, you are already too late. 

Please note these lists will be updated over time and might not have everything listed yet.

Allowed Mods

Every mod in this list is allowed to be used on XCraft Survival. All links will default to Modrinth unless otherwise noted and client types will be shown to the right of the mod. Add-ons that are not permitted will be listed below the mod. 

AppleSkin[1] Fabric, Forge, Quilt
Creates an overlay over your hunger bar to show your saturation.
Litematica | Fabric, Forge, Quilt, Liteloader, Rift
   Displays holograms of builds. However, you CANNOT USE Printer or Easy Place when using this mod.
ItemSwapper[1] | Fabric
   Allows you to quickly swap items from your hotbar and inventory without opening your inventory.
IrisDynamic Lights Fabric, Forge, Quilt
   These two mods can improve the game's visuals, with Iris offering Shaders and Dynamic Lights allowing light sources to be more... well.. dynamic!
SodiumLithiumIndium Fabric, Quilt
   This suite of mods works as an optimization of Minecraft and does not grant any special advantages.
Xareo's Minimap Fabric, Forge, Quilt
   Minimap mod. The "Fair Play" version disabled cave mode and player radar to keep mining and PvP fair for all players.

Forbidden Mods/Client Addons

If you have any of these mods, you must remove them before playing. Resistance to this will result in punishment. 

   Anything that grants flight, speed, walking on water (Jesus), auto-aim, moving while in inventory, automatic block placement, etc., are NOT permitted.
Resource Packs:
   Any pack that contains x-ray features, or other cheat-y items is not to be used. 
   Anything related to playing MC Java in VR. Proper support for this is very complex.
Bedrock Edition:
   We will not be adding support for Bedrock Edition players to join the server. Proper support for this is very complex.


  1. Server-side support for the mod was added.