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Custom Enchantments

On XCraft, we have a myriad of custom enchantments available to you. Most enchantments are obtainable through both the Enchantment Table and from looting structures. However, some enchantments are only available from using one or the other. You will also find a variety of enchantments that are colorized. These enchantments will always conflict, regardless of what it is. For example, Repairing and Tunnel are both light purple and cannot be applied to the same tool together. On the other enchantment pages, we cover enchantments that are specific to armor, tools, and weapons. The enchantments below, however, can be applied to any enchantable item.

Enchant Name Levels Applies to Effects Conflicts Location
Curse of Permanence 1 All Armor and Equipment Prevents modification in an Anvil. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Repairing 3 All Armor and Equipment Automatically repairs equipment and items over time. Mending Enchantment Tables
Soulbound 1 All Armor and Equipment Equipment and items will be kept in your inventory upon death. None Loot Chests
Wisdom 3 All Equipment Gain experience for every block broken or mob slain None Enchantment Tables

Additional Enchantments can be found categorized here:
Tool Enchantments
Armor Enchantments
Weapon Enchantments