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This wiki is currently under development. So there will be missing information or information that's outdated.

The Basics

Are you ready to begin your adventure with us? Here we will break down some of the smaller things you may want to know about. Things like chat channels, parties, etc. will be explained here. We'll go more in depth on some topics on their own pages. Without further ado, let's get started!

Chat Channels & Parties

Alright, chat channels. There are a total of three channels available to you for use:

Global: This is the default channel that everyone is in by default unless you switch channels.
Local: This channel is limited to a 50-block radius to where you're standing. Anyone who is beyond this radius will not see your message. Messages in Local are also not visible in Discord. Chat messages in this channel are Yellow by default and start with "[L]"before the player's rank.
Party: Lastly, we have the Party channel. This runs a little bit differently compared to Global and Local. Party channels are not filtered, which means you or another player could swear or use vulgar language. While we do advise that you do not speak this way, parties are typically for a group of friends who likely speak to one another in this manner anyway. Party channels are not visible on Discord and is only seen by players who are part of the party. Please keep in mind that you must still be respectful in the Party channel despite it not being filtered. These channels are still logged on the server side and staff can spy party channels if such behavior is reported.

Global and Local channels are accessible in basically the same way:

  • /g and /l ― Using these without a message will change your default channel to Global or Local (respectively).
  • /g <msg> and /l <msg> ― Unlike the method above, these will send the provided message to their respective channel without making your future messages send to the other channel by default.

Party channels, though accessible using /p by itself, requires you to exit the party channel using /p again before you can once again chat in Global or Local ― even if you use those channel commands.