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Weapon Enchantments

This specific set of enchantments refers to weapons such as Swords, Axes, Shields, Tridents, Bows, and Crossbows.
Details for each of the enchantments can be found below.

To return to the main Custom Enchantments page, click here!

Enchant Name Levels Applies to Effects Conflicts Location
Abrasion 2 Swords, Axes Deals additional damage to an opponent based on level. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Adrenaline 3 Shields Gain strength for some time when blocking hits. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Blackout 4 Swords Gives a percentage chance to inflict darkness on your opponent. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Brightness 5 Swords Deals a percentage more damage to a Warden while in the Deep Dark biome. Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Contagion 2 Tridents Gives a chance to spawn a cloud of poison where your trident lands. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Criticals 3 Swords, Axes Increases critical damage by a percentage depending on the enchantment's level. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Cubism 7 Swords, Axes, Bows, Crossbows Deals additional damage toward Slimes and Magma Cubes. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Dexterity 2 Swords, Axes Increases attack speed on your weapon. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Ender Slayer 5 Swords, Axes Deals bonus damage to End mobs. Nether Slayer Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Finishing 5 Swords, Axes Increases damage dealt for each percentage of health your opponent is missing. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Flashbang 6 Bows, Crossbows When attacking, your arrows have a chance to blind your opponent. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Frost 3 Bows When attacked, an opponent may receive the 'Frost' effect. Flame Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Ice Aspect 3 Swords Gives a chance to freeze your opponent when attacking. Fire Aspect Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests


3 Bows, Crossbows Deal more damage when you are airborne. None Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests


6 Swords Has a chance to heal a percentage of the damage dealt to your opponent. None Loot Chests

Nether Slayer

5 Swords, Axes Deals bonus damage against Nether mobs. Ender Slayer Enchantment Tables and Loot Chests
Ninja 5 Swords Deals bonus damage while sneaking. None Enchantment Tables
Rapid 6 Bows Lessens the time to shoot fully powered arrows. None Enchantment Tables
Rebounding 3 Shields Rebounds incoming damage on to your attacker. None Loot Chests
Skull Puncture 3 Bows, Crossbows, Tridents Increases headshot damage based on the enchantment's level. None Loot Chests
Snipe 4 Bows, Crossbows Arrows deal more damage for each block they travel. None Loot Chests
Stun 3 Swords, Bows, Crossbows, Tridents Gives a chance to stub mobs for 2 seconds. None Loot Chests
Thor 6 Bows, Crossbows Gives a chance to strike bolts of lightning at your opponent. None Enchantment Tables