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Patch 7.6 - A Few Tweaks
1 minute read

New Features

∎ The Event world is now available again with the AFK lobby. We're hoping to use this more going forward as 1.20.5 and 1.21 close in to torment us. 

∎ Transparent blocks, such as Signs, Banners, Beds, Buttons, Fences, etc. will no longer lower the enchanting power of an Enchantment Table.

∎ Chiseled Bookshelves can now be used for boosting power in Enchantment Tables.

∎ Hoes are now the preferred tool for Cactus and Froglights. 

∎ You may add a Dye to the Shulker Box crafting recipe to get the desired color. 

∎ Piglin Bartering has been slightly rebalanced. 

Bug Fixes and Removals

∎ Vitrify, Auto Smelt, and Magnet have been re-enabled.

∎ Magnet will no longer interfere with McMMO drops. 

∎ Duplication bugs have been patched.

∎ The Crimson Guards will now speak with the correct HEX value.

∎ Fixed issue with Cherry and Bamboo wood not being included in the QoL fixes.

∎ Raw Ore Blocks can now be smelted in a Furnace or Blast Furnace again. 

∎ Fixed Carpet issue at /pw EndFarm.

Ongoing Bugs/Known Issues and General Updates

∎ As always, there could be bugs with this release, so let me know what's going on!

∎ McMMO Tree Feller... ya know...

∎ Custom Enchants Issues - Please let me know if you come across any bugs.

∎ Tended to the Flob.

∎ Updated Plugins.

Patch 8.9.2 | The Garden Awakens (finally...)
Patch 8.9.2 | The Garden Awakens (finally...)
New Features: Updated to 1.21.4! You can now access all of the features of the Pale Garden drop! Pale Gardens will only spawn in the resource world Pale Oak Wood is not available in the admin shop Pillager Outposts, Strongholds, Ancient...
1 minute read
Patch 8.9.1 - Minor Fixes
Patch 8.9.1 - Minor Fixes
New Features: /qs history is now enabled. Look at a Chest Shop and type /qs history to view all the purchases from your shop! Bug Fixes & Removals Fixed Chest Shops Auto Smelt is now working as intended Foraging is now available on Axes...
1 minute read
Patch 8.1 - A New Era
Patch 8.1 - A New Era
New Features ∎ Full 1.21.1 Support ∎ Part of /warp GemShop is now available. ∎ Due to the ongoing issues with the Too Expensive message in Anvils, Infused Books can now be applied by dragging and dropping them onto the desired item. ∎ /ce now has...
1 minute read